The most anticipated Monday of the year for all, Cyber Monday or “Blue Monday” is the best chance to seek redemption for those who missed on some great black Friday deals. People have already planned their shopping budgets and recovered from their black Friday nightmares. There is still a lot of time for the event which has presented itself to be a reasonable alternative to black Friday as stores small and big alike post great deals for online shoppers.
As it gets closer, social media is going to be flooded with advertisements of cyber Monday deals and offers, enough to entice anyone to let their pockets loose. Not to mention it would be a hot topic on most platforms as people would like to know and share their interests as well as those annually rare sweet deals.
Being on social media and chatting without memes has never been an option. Thus, we have compiled a set of some of the most sarcastic, hilarious as well as happy cyber Monday memes.
Choose wisely-
Shopping at workplace on Cyber Monday?

The buyer’s dilemma…

The regret of Black Friday…

Holiday shopping is best done on…

Can’t resist the sweet discounts…

Me and the boys on Cyber Monday-

Planning a solid budget for Cyber Monday?

When you see great sales on new products…

When you can’t choose between work and your shopping…

The best Monday of the year!

The aftermath of cyber Monday…

Reason you should save money for cyber Monday…

Setting your priorities straight…

Why I like cyber monday more than black friday?

Online shopping with family be like-

No money no deal…

That hurts the most…

When you’re “forced” to take a leave on a cyber Monday

Better watch out for the server crash

Yup, got to work extra hard for limited sale.

Easy come, easy go!

Desperately waiting…

Never underestimate Cyber Monday sales!

Ultimate boss fight: Cyber Monday shopping vs Work

The most awaited Monday of the year is set to come at November 30. We do hope you make the most of it. Feel free to share the post with your friends and acquaintances, and be sure to tell us what do you meme on cyber Monday in comments.
Have a great day!
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