Black Friday marks the official start of the annual shopping spree season in the USA. Well now that it has become more of a tradition in the States as stores big and small alike, open early and offer various attractive sales. Now because of online shopping, it has evolved into a global scale shopping extravaganza as stores have begun providing discount deals online on their e-commerce sites.
As it gets closer, Twitter and other social media are taken over with an overwhelming amount of Black Friday memes that tell the tale of the awaited day. Black Friday shopping meme about shoppers lining up and camping overnight outside the stores to them going nuts on a really sweet TV sale, #blackfridaymemes always get to #1 trending topic in a flash before the sales begin every year. Not to mention, they are so funny and relatable that you can’t help but share them.
So, we’ve gathered a vivid collection of funny Black Friday memes that will cheer you on for the upcoming shopping season.
Best wishes of Black Friday!

You have to be prepared for the big day if you want to make most of it. People deal with it in their own way, and their are some unspoken rules they follow.





The shopping spree on a Black Friday should never be underestimated. You may decide to buy just a new TV or discounted cosmetics, but you’ll never know how you end up with all sorts of stuff just because the deals were too good.


Or sometimes you have to unwillingly hold back.


Most people know Black Friday as the day after Thanksgiving. Its just to funny when they miss the irony.



The staff that manages the store on a Black Friday is the real deal. They are people who have SEEN THINGS.




The most coveted however are those guys that not only survive Black Friday but also manage to thrive(barely).



However, sometimes, not everything goes as planned…

You may say whatever you like but Black Friday will always hold a special place in the hearts of all those who never back down from a good bargain. Sometimes, it may get too violent to handle…


But it’s all worth it if you manage to keep up. The Black Friday is on 27 November and it’s most likely to be overtaken by online eCommerce.
Hope you liked our collection of funny Black Friday memes. Feel free to share them. Also, let us know what do you meme on Black Friday sale in the comments.
Have a good day!
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